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3 pages, 57 records.
Time Occurred Location Details
Time Occurred Location Details
2025-03-22 16:32:07 0252 - G PAGE ST VU BLDG 10, 0255 A fire occurred while occupant was cooking. No calls to 911 or reports made by occupant. Occupant extinguished using fire extinguisher and did not report incident as required. No injuries and damage limited to stovetop and wall. Notification occurred when occupant called facilities requesting replacement fire extinguisher.
2024-10-31 10:50:00 0565 - JOHN T. SMITH, 0338 A washing machine started to smoke during use in the laundry room. Pull station initiated by witness and Lexington Fire Department, UKPD and PPD responded. Belt had seized inside washer causing overheat/smoke. Washing machine unplugged, mitigating the threat of fire. Damage limited to washing machine, no injuries.
2024-10-05 01:31:59 0079 - Donovan Hall, 0326 Fan motor blew and caused a small internal fire, breaker flipped and shut it off. Lexington Fire Department responded, no fire condition. Fire alarm activated and building was evacuated. Damage limited to ceiling fan, no injuries.
2024-09-30 16:31:07 0129 - Delta Sigma Phi Frat, 0008 A small fire occurred underneath the stove while cooking. A fire extinguisher was used to extinguished by kitchen personnel. Fire occurred as a result of an extensive buildup of grease on floor and underneath stove and ignited by the oven. Lexington Fire responded along with University Fire Marshal and UKPD. No injuries or damage.
2024-09-22 21:06:36 0677 - University Flats, A0409 A fire occurred on stovetop when occupant was cooking. Grease underneath the burner ignited. Occupant covered with pot cover and unplugged stove. 911, fire department was not initiated. Notification from RA and Fix-It when occupant submitted a work order for the stove a few hours later. No damage or injuries. UK Fire Marshal addressed requirement of notifying fire department in case of any future events.
2024-09-09 10:42:55 0263 - G PAGE ST VU BLDG 21, 0164 A small fire occurred inside of an oven while they were cooking. Occupant used fire extinguisher to extinguish. There were no notifications regarding the fire, no emergency response. University Fire Marshal and Housing found out after the fact when occupant called maintenance to request a clean up of the oven after fire extinguisher use. No injuries.
2024-09-07 11:47:43 0259 - G PAGE ST VU BLDG 17, 0240 A small fire occurred on occupant's deck when a cigarette was dropped into a bucket, igniting the bucket and a chair next to it. Occupant extinguished by fire extinguisher. No injuries and damage limited to bucket and adjacent chair.
2024-02-04 15:01:21 0568 - David P Roselle Hall, TL0001 A threat of fire presented when a dryer on the 3rd floor of residence smoked due to overloading. Fire alarm engaged, 911 calls initiated, and pull stations on 1st and 3rd floor utilized by residents. Lexington Fire and UKPD responded, building evacuated. Lexington Fire secured dryer, and ventilated smoke from facility. Damage to contents of dryer. Building cleared by fire department. No injuries.
2024-01-19 02:51:37 0462 - Holmes Hall, 0700 A fire occurred in a mechanical room on the 7th floor of the resident hall. Lexington Fire responded and noticed a haze of smoke on the 6th and 7th floors. The fire alarm engaged, building was evacuated prior to arrival, and Lexington Fire located electrical issue in mechanical room on 7th floor. Damage limited to equipment in immediate area and no injuries.
2024-01-11 22:26:48 0644 - WILDCAT COAL LODGE, An electric scooter plugged into the wall in the basement ignited and smoked up the basement. Lexington Fire, UKPD, and UK Fire Marshal responded, and scooter was removed from facility. Building was ventilated and Lexington Fire cleared scene. No injuries and damage limited to scooter.
2024-01-11 19:53:12 0104 - Chellgren Hall, A small fire was started inside of a resident room by a student who intentionally set three rolls of paper towels on fire and then attempted to disable the fire alarm detection devices for the room. Room residents stopped the individual and extinguished the fire with water. No emergency response, no injuries, and no emergency devices, evacuation of facility. Residents did not report fire incident. Incident occurred 01/11/2024 - reported to UK Fire Marshal 01/20/2024. No damage or injuries.
2024-01-10 20:45:06 0244 - G PAGE ST VU BLDG 2, 0123 A fire occurred in the exhaust fan in room 223. Visible flames noted and extinguished by resident prior to Lexington Fire Department arrival. Damage was limited to exhaust fan and surrounding area. No injuries and Lexington Fire cleared the scene.
2024-01-09 01:41:54 0104 - Chellgren Hall, 0415 A student intentionally set three paper towel rolls on fire inside of the room. Another student placed them into the sink and extinguished them with water. No fire alarm/smoke detector activation, student did not activate pull station or 911. Fire initially started on 01/09/2024. Reported to UK Fire Marshal on 01/20/2024
2023-11-09 13:48:04 0250 - G PAGE ST VU BLDG 8, 0225 A small electrical fire occurred at a wall outlet while using a vacuum. Wall was scorched and a small flame present. Building was evacuated and fire was extinguished by occupant. No injures and damage limited to wall outlet.
2023-05-29 09:06:13 0181 - Pigman Hall, B0113 Fire alarm in Pigman activated at 9:06 AM. Lexington Fire Department responded. Electrical fire in AC unit in ALC B-113. Fire cleared and building approved for re-entry by 9:48AM. Building was evacuated by working personnel, no students in the facility. No injuries and property damage limited to AC unit.
2023-02-21 03:57:58 0263 - G PAGE ST VU BLDG 21, 0176 Cooking fire - small fire contained to pot. Lexington Fire Dept. responded. Evacuated smoke from apartment. No property damage or injuries.
2022-08-22 12:57:44 0252 - G PAGE ST VU BLDG 10, 0257 A small fire occurred inside of the apartment when a short inside of a small fan ignited a couch next to it. Occupants used a fire extinguisher to extinguish and called 911. Lexington Fire responded removed the damaged couch and fan and ventilated apartment. No injuries and damage limited to couch and fan.
2022-07-21 19:28:12 0568 - David P Roselle Hall, A small fire occurred in a vacuum cleaner in the foyer of the facility. The smoke set off the fire alarm and Lexington Fire responded, removed the vacuum and extinguished fire with a pressurized water extinguisher outside. Damage limited to vacuum, no damage to building and no injuries. Building was unoccupied.
2021-08-09 18:44:12 0186 - Woodland Glen 4, 0100 A small fire occurred in an oven while student was cooking and set off smoke alarm. Building alarm initiated and evacuated. No damage and no injuries.
2021-04-12 17:38:49 0462 - Holmes Hall, 0101 A fire occurred in the smoker located in the House of Cue dining facility in Holmes Hall. Staff onsite pulled fire alarm, called 911, and initiated fire extinguishers to put out fire. Lexington Fire, UKPD, and UK Fire Marshal responded. Lexington Fire cleared facility and vented Holmes Hall to remove smoke. Cleared by Lex Fire and alarm placed back into service. No injuries and damaged limited to smoker and surrounding area. Restaurant to remain closed until cleaning and fire systems tested and approved.
2021-01-21 09:35:00 0122 - DELTA GAMMA SORORITY,

A small fire occurred in the boiler in the basement.  UK Fire Marshal, Lexington Fire and UKPD responded to scene.  Damage is limited to boiler.  Building was not occupied.  No injuries.

2020-10-13 22:01:00 0677 - University Flats, B0232

A small fire occurred while student was cooking something in the oven.  Student used fire extinguisher to extinguisher and smoke detector engaged.  Fire occurred on 10/13/2020 and student did not notify anyone until 10/14/2020.  No damage or injuries.

2020-10-10 15:05:00 2101 - BTP Fraternity, Outside

Two separate small fires were intentionally set at the facility, one on the front porch and the other inside in the dining room.  911 initiated by members of house to report.  UKPD police are investigating.  No injuries and minor damage.

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3 pages, 57 records.

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