Requesting Dosimetry

Personnel monitoring devices (film badges, thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLD), pocket dosimeters, etc.) are issued by the Radiation Safety Office to measure an individual's exposure to radiation. A personnel monitoring device is issued only upon the completion of a "Radiation Worker Registration" form and viewing the radiation safety videos offered through the Radiation Safety Office.

Additional radiation safety training provided by the Radiation Safety Office will be required as soon as possible, but no less than 4 months upon filing a "Radiation Worker Registration" form.

Individuals working with H-3, C-14, S-35 or very small quantities of radioactive material such as I-125 in-vitro kits do not need personal monitoring devices, unless He/she frequents a laboratory which uses P-32, a gamma emitter or x-ray emitter. The Radiation Safety Officer may require the use of pocket dosimeters, ring badges, or other monitoring devices when particular procedures are in operation.

Ring badges are issued to individuals in Nuclear Medicine and Radiation Medicine and individuals working with greater than 1 mCi of P-32 and I-125 and x-ray units. They may also be required by the RSO for other uses of radioactive material or radiation producing devices.

Monitoring Requirements

Radiation protection regulations and UK policy require that appropriate personnel monitoring equipment be provided to individuals who:

* are likely to receive an annual radiation dose in excess of 10 percent of any of the following annual dose limits:

  • total effective dose equivalent of 5 rems
  • sum of the deep dose equivalent and the committed dose equivalent to an individual organ or tissue (other than the lens of the eye) being equal to 50 rems
  • eye dose equivalent of 15 rems
  • shallow dose equivalent of 50 rems to the skin or to an extremity
  • intake of the applicable Annual Limits of Intake listed in Section 44(9), table 1, 902 KAR 100.

* are under 18 years of age and are likely to receive a radiation dose in excess of 1 percent of the occupational exposure listed above.

* are radiation workers and have declared a pregnancy or planned pregnancy.

* enter a High Radiation Area (exposure to greater than 100 millirems in any one hour).

* operate analytical X-ray devices (ring and whole body badges).

* meet special criteria as assessed by the Radiation Safety Officer or his/her delegated representative.

Radiation Safety