Appendix A --Fetal Dose Policy

A potentially harmful situation arises when a pregnant female is exposed to radiation. Exposure of such a worker to ionizing radiation from either external or internal sources would also involve exposure of the embryo or fetus. A number of studies have indicated that the embryo or fetus is more sensitive than an adult, particularly during the first three months after conception, when a woman may not be aware that she is pregnant.

Federal and state regulations require that special precautions be taken to limit exposure to radiation sources when an occupationally exposed woman could be pregnant.

The current maximum permissible radiation exposure is 500 millirems for the duration of the gestation period, and the monthly exposure should be limited to 50 millirems. Fetal monitoring (double badging) is available at the Radiation Safety Office.

In order to be recognized as pregnant, for the purpose of exposure limits, a person must declare in writing to the University that she is pregnant.

It is recommended that the pregnant person avoid higher radiation exposure procedures and those that could result in internal exposure, such as X-ray fluoroscopy and iodinations involving millicurie quantities of volatile radioiodine.Authorization No.____________________

Radiation Safety Manual | Appendix B