Greek Chapter Inspection Policy

Beginning in July 2000, this is the inspection policy for the Greek Chapters. Also attached is a list of what are considered "Major Deficiencies" that will be evaluated to determine if the house or an individual room should be closed. This list is not all-inclusive. If a particular incident is evaluated and judged to be a detriment to fire/life safety, that individual incident will be cause to close the house or an individual room.

Before the House is Occupied for the Fall Semester: A full inspection will be conducted: The purpose of this inspection is to evaluate the house to determine what needs to be done for the house to be occupied for the Fall Semester.

  1. ALL major deficiencies must be corrected before the chapter is allowed to open for the fall semester. A follow up compliance inspection is required prior to the occupants moving into the house.
  2. ALL chapters must reply to their respective report to Mr. Lance Broeking even if they only had a minor deficiency. If they do not reply, that particular chapter will not be approved to open until the report is received. A decision will be made upon receipt of the report as to whether or not a compliance inspection is needed.
  3. Mr. Broeking will provide copies of the returned reports to the Fire Marshal.

Fall Semester: Unannounced spot inspections will be conducted. The purpose of this inspection is to evaluate if proper fire/life safety conditions are being maintained.

  1. Chapters inspected shall reply to Mr. Broeking on their report.
  2. Mr. Broeking will provide copies to the Fire Marshal's office.
  3. Major deficiencies will automatically close the particular chapter. For the house to reopen, all deficiencies must be corrected, a follow-up inspection completed, and permission to reopen must be granted from the Dean of Students, Fire Marshal and Fiscal Affairs.

Spring Semester: Unannounced spot inspections will be conducted. The purpose of this inspection is to evaluate if proper fire/life safety conditions are being maintained.

  1. Chapters inspected shall reply to Mr. Broeking on their report.
  2. Mr. Broeking will provide copies to the Fire Marshal's office.
  3. Major deficiencies will automatically close the particular chapter. For the house to reopen, all deficiencies must be corrected, a follow-up inspection completed, and permission to reopen must be granted from the Dean of Students, Fire Marshal and Fiscal Affairs.

End of School Year: A full inspection will be conducted for those chapters planning to be open for the summer. The purpose of this inspection is to evaluate the house to determine if proper fire/life safety conditions are being maintained and what needs to be done for the house to be occupied for the summer.

  1. Major deficiencies will automatically close the house for the summer.
  2. ALL major deficiencies must be corrected before the chapter is allowed to open for the fall semester. A follow up compliance inspection is required prior to the occupants moving into the house.
  3. ALL chapters must reply to their respective report to Mr. Broeking even if they only had a minor deficiency. If they do not reply, that particular chapter will not be approved to open until the report is received. A decision will be made upon receipt of their report as to whether or not a compliance inspection is needed.
  4. Mr. Broeking will provide copies of the returned reports to the Fire Marshal.

Fire/Life Safety Regulations and Policies
Last Modified 11.16.2005
Send Comments to D. Caskey