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3 pages, 57 records.
Time Occurred Location Details
Time Occurred Location Details
2016-09-14 09:30:00 0262 - G PAGE ST VU BLDG 20, 0186

A fire occurred when a pot being used on the stove was left unattended and resulted in fire and smoke damage to stove and surrounding area.  Lexington Fire and UKPD responded.  No injuries reported.  

2016-09-07 18:50:00 0008 - BOYD HALL, Unknown Room

A small fire occurred in the oven of the 7th floor kitchen.  Someone left food inside and turned on the self cleaner, igniting food inside and setting off smoke alarm.  Fire self extinguished, Lexington Fire responded cleared the food and smoke.  Damage contained to oven.

2016-09-04 12:01:00 0106 - COMMONWEALTH VILLAGE,

Student was cooking something on the stove and then left the apartment.  Upon return the stovetop and cabinet above were on fire and smoke detector going off.  Student used buckets of water to extinguish - did not initiate 911 call or notify anyone.  Fire damage discovered and reported by Uk Housing personnel on 09-07-16.

2016-05-06 08:12:00 0150 - KIRWAN III,

A fire occurred inside of a trash can in the basement floor lounge area.  The fire was reported to an RA who in turn called 911, pulled the alarm to evacuate the building, and utilized a fire extinguisher to extinguish the fire.  Damage limited to the trash can.  

2016-05-02 05:30:00 0123 - Blazer Hall, 0314

A fire occurred in the oven of a common kitchen area due to an unattended pizza eft cooking in the oven.  Damage was limited to oven and was extinguished by fire extinguisher.

2015-11-11 07:30:00 0123 - Blazer Hall, 0314

A fire occurred inside of a common kitchen area on the third floor..  Grease inside of an oven had ignited, damaging the over/stove and smoking up the kitchen and hallway.  Fire was extinguished by Lexington Fire.  Damage limited to the stove.

2015-09-29 16:43:00 0568 - David P Roselle Hall, 0410

A student was cooking and while cleaning up a spill on a stove, the paper towels caught fire.  Extinguished using a cup of water.  No damge or injury.

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3 pages, 57 records.

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