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BioRaft Audit Application

The UK Environmental Health, and Safety (EHS) Division is pleased to announce the implementation of a new laboratory audit inspection system known as BioRaft. The EHS departments who will be using this system to perform laboratory audits/inspections are Occupational Health and Safety (OHS), Environmental Management (EMD), Biological Safety (BS), and Radiation Safety (RS). This system will provide a single portal for audit checklists, audit records, communications, and audit history for laboratory spaces. As the system is implemented, the audit results from the EHS departments will be stored in the system. Notification of audit results will be communicated through the system with an email to your Inbox. You will be able to respond to the audit including attaching photos or other documentation. Additionally, the system has some information regarding regulatory violations applicable to audit findings.

In order to begin using the system, each PI is required to set up their laboratory in the system utilizing a General Setup Wizard.

The BioRAFT system may be accessed here. Log in using your LinkBlue ID and password. 

This PI Help Guide provides instructions for laboratory set up and additional details about the system. Please review before beginning.

If you are a new PI at the University of Kentucky, email to be designated as a PI in UKY BioRaft.

For additional assistance for UKY BioRAFT, contact us at: or (859) 323-7345.


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Environmental Health and Safety

Environmental Health & Safety

252 East Maxwell Street
Lexington, KY 40506-0314

Phone: (859) 257-9730
Fax: (859) 257-8787

Accident Reporting

Work Related Employee Injuries

Student or Visitor Injuries
Injury and Illness Reporting

Report unsafe conditions to EHS
(859) 257-2924 or send us an e-mail.

After hours and weekends
UKPD (859) 257-1616 Emergencies 911!