Setup and Exit Survey Checklist

It is the responsibility of all laboratory directors, faculty, and principal
investigators conducting laboratory research to ensure that the necessary
procedures are followed when setting up or exiting a laboratory. If a
new lab intends to have materials listed below please, contact the appropriate
office. For labs exiting a space, follow all applicable actions indicated

Biological Agents Or Human Tissue - Biological Safety

  • Submit an inventory of infectious agents to UK Biological Safety Officer.
  • Contact the Biological Safety Office if moving a biological safety cabinet or if a cabinet is being left in the vacated lab.
    • Read and follow procedures for equipment that has biohazard labels - Surplusing Lab and Medical Equipment.
    • Contact Biosafety so an evaluation can be performed following cleaning and decontamination of the lab space.

Chemicals - Occupational Health And Safety

  • Clean all surfaces.
  • Label all chemicals.
  • Keep only chemicals that are in good quality containers.
  • Remove all chemicals when vacating the laboratory space.
  • Recycle unwanted usable chemicals within the department or contribute to the Free Chemical List.
  • Ticket expired or unwanted chemicals for Hazardous Waste Disposal.
  • Fill out the Perchloric Acid Questionnaire if perchloric acid was used in the laboratory.
  • Submit a hazardous chemical inventory to Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) when shipping and/or receiving chemicals during lab set or exit are planned. Some chemicals are strictly prohibited from transport.

Hazardous Waste - Environmental Management

  • Utilize the E-Trax system to have hazardous waste picked up. This needs to be done a least one week before the move.
  • Conduct a closeout survey for each laboratory. Contact Environmental Management at least one week before the move to schedule the survey.

Radioactive Materials - Radiation Safety


Environmental Health and Safety

Environmental Health & Safety

252 East Maxwell Street
Lexington, KY 40506-0314

Phone: (859) 257-9730
Fax: (859) 257-8787

Accident Reporting

Work Related Employee Injuries

Student or Visitor Injuries
Injury and Illness Reporting

Report unsafe conditions to EHS
(859) 257-2924 or send us an e-mail.

After hours and weekends
UKPD (859) 257-1616 Emergencies 911!