Evacuation Policy (Mandatory) Fire Alarms

The Kentucky Fire Prevention Code and UK policy require evacuation of campus buildings for fire alarms. When the fire alarm system is activated, all persons must immediately evacuate the building. Occupants must not return to the building until fire officials give approval. Although evacuations are disruptive, life safety shall be given priority. The only exception to this policy is patient-related areas, such as the University Hospital and the Kentucky Clinic, where special evacuation procedures have been developed and tested. Employees refusing to evacuate or prohibiting others from evacuating will be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with Human Resources Policy and Procedure Number 12.0. Students refusing to evacuate or prohibiting others from evacuating will be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the Code of Student Conduct.

Each department should develop internal procedures pertinent to their particular activities, especially research and chemical laboratories. Procedures should include having a designated meeting place outside the building, providing security precautions, and assisting physically impaired persons. Occupants must not return to the building until the fire officials give approval. Should your department need assistance in developing internal procedures, please contact the University Fire Marshal’s office at 257-6326.

Supporting documents for the University’s Mandatory Evacuation Policy are on file in the University Fire Marshal’s office.

Environmental Health and Safety

University Fire Marshal

252 East Maxwell Street
Lexington, KY 40506-0314

Phone: (859) 257-6326
Fax: (859) 257-8787

Annual Fire Safety Report